Wednesday, 16 June 2010


OK so I'm struggling a little on the goal front... mainly as I had some big marathon goals before, and did everything in my power to achieve them. Now I have this little race in Wales, and a 16 week training plan approaching...I'm taking this pretty seriously (as always) as this is going to be a huge step on the way to getting a serious goal PB in London next year. So the mileage, the hills... it will all contribute. But I am finding the 'goal' of the Snowdon marathon is hard to quantify, and I still need an objective there.. I confidently said to a club mate on Tuesday (though God knows where this came from), I will aim to get a marathon PB - even though yes I should allow for about 15 minutes on a flat marathon time. So that is my goal... to beat my 3:41 done on the flat and well supported Amsterdam last year. Talk about two completely different races, but therein lies the challenge. If I go for it..I imagine a huge 'runner's high' and self satisfaction (unless I blow up in training.) As I do not really have many other 'goals' or at least cannot think of any more in my non-runnning life, the running ones are all I want...that and a huge piece of M&S Coffee and Walnut cake after...and big glass of Barefoot wine!! (And a bath full of parma violets!)

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